Anti-Aging Night Moisturiser

This moisturiser is a beautiful rich cream you can use of a night to nourish your skin.

I only use doTERRA essential oils on my skin, if you would like to get your own, click here to make a time for a chat to work out the best way for you to get Essential oils into your home.

I purchase my carrier oils from n-essentials (linked below).

You can purchase glass jars from Pack my Product (in Australia)

This recipe will fill approximately 4 x 50ml containers.


3/4 cup Sweet Almond Oil

1/4 cup Organic Coconut Oil

1/4 cup Beeswax

2 tablespoons Shea Butter

1 tablespoon Vitamin E Oil

Melt the above ingredients together - double boiler method (in a glass container over boiling water), allow to cool before adding the following:

15 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops Geranium Essential Oil

8 drops Myrrh Essential Oil

8 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

4 drops Helicrysum Essential Oil

Pour into glass containers and allow to cool.

Use nightly after cleansing your skin. A small amount goes a long way!