Do not put oils in eyes, ears, or up nose! Citrus oils & Clary Calm are photosensitive. Avoid topical use 24 hours before sun  exposure. 

Always drink out of stainless steel or glass when using oils. Dilute your essential oils with fractionated coconut oil to ensure a positive experience.   Extra dilution for young children, elderly & individuals with sensitive skin is highly recommended.

When you look at any oil product information page on the doTERRA website you will notice little symbols as shown here, these symbols will help you identify the best way to use your oil.    

This dilution chart that has been created by Dr Hill one of the owners of doTERRA and is a great guide as to the number of drops that it is safe to consume per day. 

Here is a short video from doTERRA in relation to Safety with Essential Oils

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